My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT

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My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT
SKU: 9798400505232



Availability: En existencia

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My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT is the perfect Bible for God’s little princesses!

Little girls dream of being a princess. In God’s Kingdom, we discover that we are precious to God. He calls us to be His daughters, and He has chosen each one of us. When we invite Him to enter our hearts, we become daughters of the King of all kings-we become God’s princesses!

Even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace.
Galatians 1:15

My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT’s features include:
  • The full Bible text in the clear, accurate, and easy-to-read New Living Translation
  • Pink and purple interior design to engage girls with God’s Word
  • 10 beautifully designed love letters from God to help girls understand how much He loves them
  • 10 prayers to encourage girls to communicate with God, the King of all Kings
  • 10 profiles of important women in the Bible to help girls see their value in God’s eyes
  • 14 verses with beautiful promises from Scripture to help girls build the foundation for a lifelong faith
  • 500 highlighted verses to call attention to key Bible truths for girls to hide in their hearts
  • 66 introductory sentences to each book of the Bible to provide a foundation of understanding
All the features in this NLT Bible were created specifically to captivate little girls with God’s Word and to instill truth in their hearts about who God is, how He sees them as His special daughters, and the perfect plans He has for them!

The New Living Translation is a clear and accurate English translation of the Bible. It makes this girls’ Bible easy to understand and a great choice for the young reader. It effectively conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes accessible and meaningful reading.

This eye-catching Bible for girls makes a lovely gift for the little princess in your life! Help them to see themselves as Jesus sees them and to find their precious identity in Him.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9798400505232
Páginas 840
Autores Shepherd, Sheri Rose
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2024-07-02
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers


My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT is the perfect Bible for God’s little princesses!

Little girls dream of being a princess. In God’s Kingdom, we discover that we are precious to God. He calls us to be His daughters, and He has chosen each one of us. When we invite Him to enter our hearts, we become daughters of the King of all kings-we become God’s princesses!

Even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace.
Galatians 1:15

My Beautiful Princess Bible NLT’s features include:
  • The full Bible text in the clear, accurate, and easy-to-read New Living Translation
  • Pink and purple interior design to engage girls with God’s Word
  • 10 beautifully designed love letters from God to help girls understand how much He loves them
  • 10 prayers to encourage girls to communicate with God, the King of all Kings
  • 10 profiles of important women in the Bible to help girls see their value in God’s eyes
  • 14 verses with beautiful promises from Scripture to help girls build the foundation for a lifelong faith
  • 500 highlighted verses to call attention to key Bible truths for girls to hide in their hearts
  • 66 introductory sentences to each book of the Bible to provide a foundation of understanding
All the features in this NLT Bible were created specifically to captivate little girls with God’s Word and to instill truth in their hearts about who God is, how He sees them as His special daughters, and the perfect plans He has for them!

The New Living Translation is a clear and accurate English translation of the Bible. It makes this girls’ Bible easy to understand and a great choice for the young reader. It effectively conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes accessible and meaningful reading.

This eye-catching Bible for girls makes a lovely gift for the little princess in your life! Help them to see themselves as Jesus sees them and to find their precious identity in Him.

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