Weve Never Been This Way Before

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Weve Never Been This Way Before
SKU: 9781629999517



Availability: Fuera de existencia

From Best-Selling Author R. T. Kendall 

What if I told you the “new normal” is that nothing will be normal again?

As recent events have unfolded, not only America but the entire world has been brought to the precipice of the most challenging moments of our lifetimes. But while these times seem unprecedented and unchartered to us, they are not to God. Much like He said to Joshua and the children of Israel standing on the edge of the Promised Land, God now says to us: “You have never been this way before” (Josh.3:4). God’s word is tender, challenging, and scary. God knows where we’ve been and where we are going. As we cope with extraordinary new outbreaks of disease, racism, and cultural upheaval, we have been forced to recognize that we are not prepared for this. Nobody is.

Yet there is hope. In this timely message, trusted theologian R. T. Kendall helps you navigate the way forward by exploring how God led His people in the past. Along the way, he answers questions such as:
  • Where is God in all this?
  • What do Christians have to offer the rest of the world during these times?
  • Did the devil cause these things? Did God cause them?
  • If God allowed these things to happen, then why?
Just like today’s Christians, the people of great faith listed in Hebrews 11 had to grapple with things that had not been encountered before. They needed unprecedented faith to accomplish God’s purpose in unprecedented times. Join R. T. Kendall on this journey to understand what God is saying to His people in this critical hour, the ways He has already equipped you to face these uncertainties, and how to know His plan for your future.

This book will help you understand what God is saying to us during this time of uncertainty and change.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781629999517
Páginas 144
Autores Kendall, R.T.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House


From Best-Selling Author R. T. Kendall 

What if I told you the “new normal” is that nothing will be normal again?

As recent events have unfolded, not only America but the entire world has been brought to the precipice of the most challenging moments of our lifetimes. But while these times seem unprecedented and unchartered to us, they are not to God. Much like He said to Joshua and the children of Israel standing on the edge of the Promised Land, God now says to us: “You have never been this way before” (Josh.3:4). God’s word is tender, challenging, and scary. God knows where we’ve been and where we are going. As we cope with extraordinary new outbreaks of disease, racism, and cultural upheaval, we have been forced to recognize that we are not prepared for this. Nobody is.

Yet there is hope. In this timely message, trusted theologian R. T. Kendall helps you navigate the way forward by exploring how God led His people in the past. Along the way, he answers questions such as:
  • Where is God in all this?
  • What do Christians have to offer the rest of the world during these times?
  • Did the devil cause these things? Did God cause them?
  • If God allowed these things to happen, then why?
Just like today’s Christians, the people of great faith listed in Hebrews 11 had to grapple with things that had not been encountered before. They needed unprecedented faith to accomplish God’s purpose in unprecedented times. Join R. T. Kendall on this journey to understand what God is saying to His people in this critical hour, the ways He has already equipped you to face these uncertainties, and how to know His plan for your future.

This book will help you understand what God is saying to us during this time of uncertainty and change.

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