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SKU: 9781629999609



Availability: Fuera de existencia

A revolution of repentance by the power of the Holy Spirit is needed in the church to bring renewal to a hurting nation.
After reading Revolution you will understand what a biblical revolution looks like and how to implement it, starting within your own heart, and going outward from there.
This book is not a call to the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims, a call for the people of God to impact this generation with the prophetic message of repentance, a call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation’s history, a call to take back the moral high ground that has been stolen from under our feet, a call to follow Jesus by life or by death.  Revolution answers such questions as:
  • What is the role of the Christian and the church during these tumultuous times?
  • How are we to respond to the racial upheaval happening in our nation?
  • What is the church’s role in healing the divide in our fractured, divided country?
Dr. Brown turns up the volume in this call to God’s remnant people to pray, repent, and act according to the teachings of Jesus--who is calling us to holy revolution.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781629999609
Páginas 336
Autores Brown, Michael L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House


A revolution of repentance by the power of the Holy Spirit is needed in the church to bring renewal to a hurting nation.
After reading Revolution you will understand what a biblical revolution looks like and how to implement it, starting within your own heart, and going outward from there.
This book is not a call to the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims, a call for the people of God to impact this generation with the prophetic message of repentance, a call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation’s history, a call to take back the moral high ground that has been stolen from under our feet, a call to follow Jesus by life or by death.  Revolution answers such questions as:
  • What is the role of the Christian and the church during these tumultuous times?
  • How are we to respond to the racial upheaval happening in our nation?
  • What is the church’s role in healing the divide in our fractured, divided country?
Dr. Brown turns up the volume in this call to God’s remnant people to pray, repent, and act according to the teachings of Jesus--who is calling us to holy revolution.

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