Hope and Healing: Social Media and Depression

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Hope and Healing: Social Media and Depression
SKU: 9781496465306



Availability: En existencia

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Proven, practical steps, definitions, causes, and solutions to manage the risks and make the technology work for you-not the other way around.
Growing research shows that we as a society have a social media dilemma: social media use has a dark side, including elevated risk of depression and anxiety. But avoiding negative outcomes is not the only reason to educate ourselves about the pitfalls and learn to avoid them. Preserving the benefits of responsible social media engagement is also payoff worth pursuing. Learn to:
  • Assess your own vulnerabilities to social media use
  • Learn to recognize when apps begin to take a toll on your mental health
  • Choose best practices to minimize risks
  • And much more!
This incredible resource book is packed with statistics, definitions, risks, and practical advice that you can apply to your life immediately. Arm yourself with the awareness to keep your mind and spirit healthy despite the addictive quality of various apps and sites. Discover:
  • The latest research on social media and mental health
  • Dangers posed by excessive or imbalanced use of social media
  • 12 negative consequences to public health and wellbeing
  • 20 questions to self-assess whether social media is problematic for you
  • 7 signs to check your mental health
  • 7 tips for a technology detox
  • 9 strategies for healthy use of social media
Key Features:
  • Trustworthy: Filled with up-to-date research, this solid resource provides the most recent case studies on social media use
  • Easy to Read: Packed with summaries, checklists, and bullet lists, its never been easier to digest practical and informative research
  • Practical: Includes tips to make social media work for you rather than work against you
  • Easy to Carry: Compact, lightweight, and easily fits in your hand, purse, and bag
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781496465306
Páginas 112
Autores Jantz Ph.D., Gregory L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing


Proven, practical steps, definitions, causes, and solutions to manage the risks and make the technology work for you-not the other way around.
Growing research shows that we as a society have a social media dilemma: social media use has a dark side, including elevated risk of depression and anxiety. But avoiding negative outcomes is not the only reason to educate ourselves about the pitfalls and learn to avoid them. Preserving the benefits of responsible social media engagement is also payoff worth pursuing. Learn to:
  • Assess your own vulnerabilities to social media use
  • Learn to recognize when apps begin to take a toll on your mental health
  • Choose best practices to minimize risks
  • And much more!
This incredible resource book is packed with statistics, definitions, risks, and practical advice that you can apply to your life immediately. Arm yourself with the awareness to keep your mind and spirit healthy despite the addictive quality of various apps and sites. Discover:
  • The latest research on social media and mental health
  • Dangers posed by excessive or imbalanced use of social media
  • 12 negative consequences to public health and wellbeing
  • 20 questions to self-assess whether social media is problematic for you
  • 7 signs to check your mental health
  • 7 tips for a technology detox
  • 9 strategies for healthy use of social media
Key Features:
  • Trustworthy: Filled with up-to-date research, this solid resource provides the most recent case studies on social media use
  • Easy to Read: Packed with summaries, checklists, and bullet lists, its never been easier to digest practical and informative research
  • Practical: Includes tips to make social media work for you rather than work against you
  • Easy to Carry: Compact, lightweight, and easily fits in your hand, purse, and bag

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