Single But Not Alone

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Single But Not Alone
SKU: 9781621363217
Autores: Sims, Diane
Editorial: Creation House



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

According to recent U.S. Census statistics, 47 percent of the adults in the United States are single. Because many of those singles are women, is the church adequately serving the needs of this demographic?

This book answers the question and provides keys to a fruitful life of singlehood for women.

Infused with creative analogies, single women will be provided with keys to enjoying the single life, and know what to do when meeting potential mates. The issue of waiting on God for the mate of your dreams is addressed and womens fears that God will take longer than they are willing to wait.

Drawing from both theoretical and practical positions readers will be given new approaches to living a single lifestyle.

Women of all ages and backgrounds will benefits from reading this book.

About the author:
DIANE SIMS has a strong foundation in the Word of God and serves Him with a fervent heart. She has played an active role in singles, prayer, youth, and street ministries at her local church in Kansas City. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master of Science in Nursing with an emphasis in women’s healthcare. She is a board-certified nurse practitioner.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781621363217
Páginas 144
Autores Sims, Diane
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2013-01-23
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House


According to recent U.S. Census statistics, 47 percent of the adults in the United States are single. Because many of those singles are women, is the church adequately serving the needs of this demographic?

This book answers the question and provides keys to a fruitful life of singlehood for women.

Infused with creative analogies, single women will be provided with keys to enjoying the single life, and know what to do when meeting potential mates. The issue of waiting on God for the mate of your dreams is addressed and womens fears that God will take longer than they are willing to wait.

Drawing from both theoretical and practical positions readers will be given new approaches to living a single lifestyle.

Women of all ages and backgrounds will benefits from reading this book.

About the author:
DIANE SIMS has a strong foundation in the Word of God and serves Him with a fervent heart. She has played an active role in singles, prayer, youth, and street ministries at her local church in Kansas City. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master of Science in Nursing with an emphasis in women’s healthcare. She is a board-certified nurse practitioner.

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