Dr. Colberts Guide to Vitamins and Supplements

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Dr. Colberts Guide to Vitamins and Supplements
SKU: 9781629987644
Editorial: Siloam



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

From the author of the NEW YORK TIMES best-selling books The Seven Pillars of Health and I Can Do This Diet, along with best sellers Toxic Relief, the Bible Cure series, Living in Divine Health, Deadly Emotions, Stress Less, and What Would Jesus Eat? Dr. Don Colbert has sold more than TEN MILLION books.

Dr. Colbert’s unique, balanced, natural health approach will help readers to make sense of the overwhelming information available on vitamins and supplements, empowering them to make well informed decisions specific to their health goals.
Whether it is to slow the aging process, lose weight, balance hormones, boost energy, or heal and prevent specific health conditions and diseases, this book will be an important tool in the hands of health conscious readers.

Don Colbert, MD, who has published more than forty books, now offers all of his advice for nutritional supplements in one volume, explaining how to:
  • Choose the best multivitamins and individual supplements—and recognize harmful and expensive ingredients to avoid
  • Create the right combination of nutrients and the proper dosage to reach your specific health goals—slowing the aging process, losing weight, balancing hormones, boosting energy, or healing and preventing disease
  • Eat the right foods to boost the benefits of your supplement program and reach your goals faster
  • Break any dietary and lifestyle habits that could be interfering with your body’s ability to fully benefit from the nutrients you ingest
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781629987644
Páginas 256
Autores Colbert, Don
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-12-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam


From the author of the NEW YORK TIMES best-selling books The Seven Pillars of Health and I Can Do This Diet, along with best sellers Toxic Relief, the Bible Cure series, Living in Divine Health, Deadly Emotions, Stress Less, and What Would Jesus Eat? Dr. Don Colbert has sold more than TEN MILLION books.

Dr. Colbert’s unique, balanced, natural health approach will help readers to make sense of the overwhelming information available on vitamins and supplements, empowering them to make well informed decisions specific to their health goals.
Whether it is to slow the aging process, lose weight, balance hormones, boost energy, or heal and prevent specific health conditions and diseases, this book will be an important tool in the hands of health conscious readers.

Don Colbert, MD, who has published more than forty books, now offers all of his advice for nutritional supplements in one volume, explaining how to:
  • Choose the best multivitamins and individual supplements—and recognize harmful and expensive ingredients to avoid
  • Create the right combination of nutrients and the proper dosage to reach your specific health goals—slowing the aging process, losing weight, balancing hormones, boosting energy, or healing and preventing disease
  • Eat the right foods to boost the benefits of your supplement program and reach your goals faster
  • Break any dietary and lifestyle habits that could be interfering with your body’s ability to fully benefit from the nutrients you ingest

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