How Much Is a Little Girl Worth?

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How Much Is a Little Girl Worth?
SKU: 9781496446244



Availability: Fuera de existencia

You’re beautiful, worthy, and you should be loved
Because of all that you are.
Different from anything else in the world,
You are precious beyond the stars.

How Much Is a Little Girl Worth? is Rachael Denhollander’s tender-hearted anthem to little girls everywhere, teaching them that they have immeasurable worth because they are made in the image of God. Armed with this understanding, girls will develop confidence in their own value and blossom into women who can face any challenge life puts in their path.

Includes heartwarming, vibrant, four-color illustrations by popular illustrator Morgan Huff.

Rachael Denhollander is an attorney, advocate, and educator who became known internationally as the first woman to speak publicly against USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, one of the most prolific sexual abusers in recorded history. Recognized as a TIME 100 honoree and a 2018 Glamour Woman of the Year, Denhollander encourages all girls to find their voices and love themselves in this spiritual book. This picture book for little girls is one of the best inspirational books with a message that resonates beyond its young intended audience.

This powerful message, paired with vivid, glowing illustrations, will make you want to snuggle up with your little girl and remind her of how precious and treasured she is.

This Apple e-books edition features narration by Rachael Denhollander along with word-by-word highlighting.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781496446244
Páginas 192
Autores Denhollander, Rachael
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2019-09-10
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers


You’re beautiful, worthy, and you should be loved
Because of all that you are.
Different from anything else in the world,
You are precious beyond the stars.

How Much Is a Little Girl Worth? is Rachael Denhollander’s tender-hearted anthem to little girls everywhere, teaching them that they have immeasurable worth because they are made in the image of God. Armed with this understanding, girls will develop confidence in their own value and blossom into women who can face any challenge life puts in their path.

Includes heartwarming, vibrant, four-color illustrations by popular illustrator Morgan Huff.

Rachael Denhollander is an attorney, advocate, and educator who became known internationally as the first woman to speak publicly against USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, one of the most prolific sexual abusers in recorded history. Recognized as a TIME 100 honoree and a 2018 Glamour Woman of the Year, Denhollander encourages all girls to find their voices and love themselves in this spiritual book. This picture book for little girls is one of the best inspirational books with a message that resonates beyond its young intended audience.

This powerful message, paired with vivid, glowing illustrations, will make you want to snuggle up with your little girl and remind her of how precious and treasured she is.

This Apple e-books edition features narration by Rachael Denhollander along with word-by-word highlighting.

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