Help! My Bible Is Alive!

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Help! My Bible Is Alive!
SKU: 9781641580229



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

Do you struggle to connect with God during your Bible reading?
Sometimes reading the Bible can feel dry or uninteresting. What should feel dynamic, important, and alive often feels confusing, boring, or irrelevant. Biblical commentary can be intimidating or uninteresting. And we don’t know where to start on our own.

Pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by helping you personally encounter God through His Word. Rather than relying on scholarly commentary, Help! My Bible Is Alive! empowers you to read the Bible on your own with new confidence.

In this comprehensive and clear guide, you’ll find
  • key questions to help you find the meaning in any passage of Scripture
  • interactive lessons that teach you how to break down a verse
  • space to journal your thoughts as you learn
  • special reward cards that motivate you to complete each step
  • questions and prompts to help you think deeply and discuss
  • applications to help you practice diving deeper into the Bible
Take this 30-day challenge to refresh your spirit and experience your Bible like never before.

"This is the book I’ve been needing for the countless people in my church plant who are scared-but hungry-to engage with the Bible." -Stephen Poore, MDiv, visionary pastor of Center Church

"This book allows anyone to see that the Bible is unsettlingly powerful, scandalously relevant, beautiful beyond belief, and very much alive." -Rev. Rachel Toone, dean of spiritual formation at Montreat College

"The perfect guide for ordinary people who want to experience God in this extraordinary book!" -Aron Gibson, lead pastor at Lake Forest Church–WestLake
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781641580229
Páginas 208
Autores Unice, Nicole
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2019-10-22
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators


Do you struggle to connect with God during your Bible reading?
Sometimes reading the Bible can feel dry or uninteresting. What should feel dynamic, important, and alive often feels confusing, boring, or irrelevant. Biblical commentary can be intimidating or uninteresting. And we don’t know where to start on our own.

Pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by helping you personally encounter God through His Word. Rather than relying on scholarly commentary, Help! My Bible Is Alive! empowers you to read the Bible on your own with new confidence.

In this comprehensive and clear guide, you’ll find
  • key questions to help you find the meaning in any passage of Scripture
  • interactive lessons that teach you how to break down a verse
  • space to journal your thoughts as you learn
  • special reward cards that motivate you to complete each step
  • questions and prompts to help you think deeply and discuss
  • applications to help you practice diving deeper into the Bible
Take this 30-day challenge to refresh your spirit and experience your Bible like never before.

"This is the book I’ve been needing for the countless people in my church plant who are scared-but hungry-to engage with the Bible." -Stephen Poore, MDiv, visionary pastor of Center Church

"This book allows anyone to see that the Bible is unsettlingly powerful, scandalously relevant, beautiful beyond belief, and very much alive." -Rev. Rachel Toone, dean of spiritual formation at Montreat College

"The perfect guide for ordinary people who want to experience God in this extraordinary book!" -Aron Gibson, lead pastor at Lake Forest Church–WestLake

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