Miss Pickworth: The Courteous Cad

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Miss Pickworth: The Courteous Cad
SKU: 9781414372914



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

He’s a cad of the worst sort. She has vowed never to marry. Who would have guessed they could be the match of the season?

The last thing Miss Prudence Watson expects to find on her tour of the English countryside is a cause to crusade for. But an unexpected encounter in the streets of Otley alerts her to inhumane working conditions at the local worsted mill, particularly for children, and she’s compelled to act.

The object of her outrage is mill owner William Sherbourne, a Royal Navy officer just returned from sea. Following in his wake is his reputation as a cad-and a secret so shocking he’ll do anything to protect it. Worse yet, he’s handsome and charming and not at all the villain Prudence expected.

As always, society tattler Miss Pickworth has a thing or two to say about the young crusader and the courteous cad at whom her protests are aimed. But it seems that even Miss Pickworth has secrets to be revealed as Prudence and William learn the truth about each other-and about their own deceptive hearts.

Fans of Jane Austen, Regency romance, or Bridgerton won’t want to miss this clean and wholesome, opposites-attract love story, sure to keep you turning pages-possibly even swooning-until the very end.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781414372914
Páginas 384
Autores Palmer, Catherine
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2011-12-12
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers


He’s a cad of the worst sort. She has vowed never to marry. Who would have guessed they could be the match of the season?

The last thing Miss Prudence Watson expects to find on her tour of the English countryside is a cause to crusade for. But an unexpected encounter in the streets of Otley alerts her to inhumane working conditions at the local worsted mill, particularly for children, and she’s compelled to act.

The object of her outrage is mill owner William Sherbourne, a Royal Navy officer just returned from sea. Following in his wake is his reputation as a cad-and a secret so shocking he’ll do anything to protect it. Worse yet, he’s handsome and charming and not at all the villain Prudence expected.

As always, society tattler Miss Pickworth has a thing or two to say about the young crusader and the courteous cad at whom her protests are aimed. But it seems that even Miss Pickworth has secrets to be revealed as Prudence and William learn the truth about each other-and about their own deceptive hearts.

Fans of Jane Austen, Regency romance, or Bridgerton won’t want to miss this clean and wholesome, opposites-attract love story, sure to keep you turning pages-possibly even swooning-until the very end.

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