Justice Quinn

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Justice Quinn
SKU: 9781616387242
Autores: Dyson, Dawn
Editorial: Creation House



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos


Andrew McKenzie has lived most of his life tormented by guilt and pain, haunted by the secrets of his past. When he is hired to work for Sienna and Jonathan Driscoll, his life changes more drastically than he could have ever imagined. Before long, Drew learns that this is not an ordinary job. There is definitely something unusual about the Driscoll family. Especially their son, Justice Quinn.

Drew is introduced to the Driscolls daughter, Bella Maura, with whom he shares a special bond. As his relationship with Bella develops, Drew learns that he is not the only one hiding a secret. Each new day brings with it shocking revelations about the unique spiritual gifts of the Driscolls, and their God-given obligation to people suffering at the hands of the darkness and evil of the world.

Where is Gods justice? Does anyone hear the prayers of the abused, those too broken and weak to defend themselves? Why does it seem that so often the unjust escape punishment on the earth? Justice Quinn deals with each of these questions, as well as the concept of intercessory prayer, in order to help us understand why Gods timing must be reverenced.

Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781616387242
Páginas 240
Autores Dyson, Dawn
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-03-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House


Andrew McKenzie has lived most of his life tormented by guilt and pain, haunted by the secrets of his past. When he is hired to work for Sienna and Jonathan Driscoll, his life changes more drastically than he could have ever imagined. Before long, Drew learns that this is not an ordinary job. There is definitely something unusual about the Driscoll family. Especially their son, Justice Quinn.

Drew is introduced to the Driscolls daughter, Bella Maura, with whom he shares a special bond. As his relationship with Bella develops, Drew learns that he is not the only one hiding a secret. Each new day brings with it shocking revelations about the unique spiritual gifts of the Driscolls, and their God-given obligation to people suffering at the hands of the darkness and evil of the world.

Where is Gods justice? Does anyone hear the prayers of the abused, those too broken and weak to defend themselves? Why does it seem that so often the unjust escape punishment on the earth? Justice Quinn deals with each of these questions, as well as the concept of intercessory prayer, in order to help us understand why Gods timing must be reverenced.

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