Four Seasons: Falling for You Again

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Four Seasons: Falling for You Again
SKU: 9781414372853



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

Charlie and Esther Moore have been married nearly fifty years when the contented life theyve built together begins to crumble. Esther has been forgetful recently, but its rarely a problem until the day she puts her car in drive instead of reverse, flying off the end of the carport and into the backyard. Esthers accident and declining health shatter their reverie, and the couple must come to terms with all the paths their lives have not taken if they ever hope to pull their marriage out of winter. As always, the quirky characters of Deepwater Cove will pop in and out of the story and delight readers.
This is the third book in a new fiction series from best-selling authors Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer, based on the marriage principles found in Gary Chapmans nonfiction book The Four Seasons of Marriage. Each book includes a study guide that talks about the four seasons of marriage and the healing strategies depicted in that particular storyline.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781414372853
Páginas 304
Autores Palmer, Catherine
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-08-31
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers


Charlie and Esther Moore have been married nearly fifty years when the contented life theyve built together begins to crumble. Esther has been forgetful recently, but its rarely a problem until the day she puts her car in drive instead of reverse, flying off the end of the carport and into the backyard. Esthers accident and declining health shatter their reverie, and the couple must come to terms with all the paths their lives have not taken if they ever hope to pull their marriage out of winter. As always, the quirky characters of Deepwater Cove will pop in and out of the story and delight readers.
This is the third book in a new fiction series from best-selling authors Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer, based on the marriage principles found in Gary Chapmans nonfiction book The Four Seasons of Marriage. Each book includes a study guide that talks about the four seasons of marriage and the healing strategies depicted in that particular storyline.

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