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  1.  Parenting Isn't for Cowards
    Does your heart skip a beat when you think of all that could go wrong in the parenting years ahead? Anxiety is normal, but your worst fears don’t have to become reality. Speaking both as a therapist and a father-and drawing on a landmark study of thirty-five thousand parents-Dr. James Dobson helps you . . .
    • prevent child-rearing troubles before they happen
    • banish your guilt about hard-to-raise children
    • protect your sanity during a child’s adolescence
    • restore your energy when you’re facing burnout
    • enhance your relationships with your kids
    With more than one million copies sold, this confidence-building classic will help you experience the full joy of parenthood-and what may be the greatest sense of fulfillment you’ll ever know. Saber más
  2.  Beyond Ordinary
    How safe is your marriage? The answer may surprise you. The biggest threat to any marriage isn’t infidelity or miscommunication. The greatest enemy is ordinary. Ordinary marriages lose hope. Ordinary marriages lack vision. Ordinary marriages give in to compromise. Ordinary is the belief that this is as good as it will ever get. And when we begin to settle for ordinary, it’s easy to move from "I do" to "I’m done."

    Justin and Trisha Davis know just how dangerous ordinary can be. In this beautifully written book, Justin and Trisha take us inside the slow fade that occurred in their own marriage-each telling the story from their own perspective. Together, they reveal the mistakes they made, the work they avoided, the thoughts and feelings that led to an affair and near divorce, and finally, the heart-change that had to occur in both of them before they could experience the hope, healing, and restoration of a truly extraordinary marriage. Saber más
  3. Chivalry
    A generation is rising up to care for the hurting and oppressed. Committed to changing the world, they are passionate about justice and willing to fight for it. But what would that same justice look like if we lived it in our private lives-close to home, with our family and friends?

    In Chivalry, Zach Hunter dares young men and women to view their lives as a quest, challenging them to develop their own personal code that will prepare them to defend others and live with civility and integrity.

    Zach reframes chivalry in a modern context. He looks at everyday life as a grand adventure and shares ancient wisdom from the Bible, insightful stories, and practical examples to help you develop your own code of honor-and live a life of significance. Saber más
  4.  Road Trip to Redemption
    Brad Mathias thought everything in his family was fine. A busy, contented dad, he had vaguely noticed that Bethany, his middle child, had become withdrawn and moody, but he assumed it was part of being a "teen" and didn’t look any deeper. Until the night God spoke clearly to Brad and his wife: Ask her to reveal what she has hidden. They did-and learned the secret Bethany had been carrying, one that rocked their family to the core. In a desperate attempt to reach their daughter and to reconnect as a family, Brad and his wife piled everyone into the car and embarked on a wild, crazy, seven-thousand-mile, what-are-we-thinking trip across the country. As they drove, they realized how far apart they’d drifted, found unexpected blessings along the way-and journeyed together from pain and loss to recovery and redemption. In this book, Brad shares stories from the road about God’s grace, gives practical tips on what he learned about reconnecting as a family, invites you to consider your own epic journey as a mother or father, and calls you to trust wholeheartedly in the amazing love God has for your kids. Saber más
  5.  When Happily Ever After Shatters
    With abandonment and adultery, there is no five-step plan for survival, but there can be hope and healing. When Happily Ever After Shatters will be a comfort to those who grieve in solitude, and a hope-filled practical guide for those whose lives have changed irrevocably. Susan Birdseye will help readers learn to honor God when there is no hope of restoration, survive abandonment in and out of marriage, glorify God during a divorce, walk children gracefully through the crisis as a single parent, please God as a single person, again, and truly forgive the one who wronged them. Saber más
  6.  Plugged-In Parenting
    Plugged-In Parenting comes at a time when parents find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They want to protect their children from the increasingly violent and sexualized content of movies, TV, the Internet, and music as well as cyberbullying and obsessive cell phone texting. But they fear that simply "laying down the law" will alienate their kids. Can parents stay connected to the media while staying connected to God and to each other? This book makes a powerful case for teaching kids media discernment, but doesn’t stop there. It shows how to use teachable moments, evidence from research and pop culture, Scripture, questions, parental example, and a written family entertainment constitution to uphold biblical standards without damaging the parent-child relationship. Saber más
  7.  It's Your Kid, Not a Gerbil
    Do you sometimes feel like a gerbil running on a wheel inside a cage as you scurry from place to place, chauffeuring your children from one endless activity to another? What if, for one moment, you could just step off of the wheel . . . and relax? How would you feel then? And what if that single moment could stretch into an hour, or even a whole day? It’s Your Kid, Not a Gerbil will provide practical solutions and helpful insight to get off the activity wheel so that you can put your time and energies where they really count: in establishing strong character and a love for home and family that will serve your kids well for a lifetime. Saber más
  8. The 21-Day Dad's Challenge
    What’s keeping you from a better relationship with your child? It’s not that you don’t want to spend more time together, have more fun, and pass along more God-honoring values. But life gets in the way, and before you know it you’re waving good-bye to a son or daughter and wishing you could try that fathering thing again.

    The 21-Day Dad’s Challenge features a simple, practical tip for each day of the next three weeks-along with a quick, easy way to try it out. Not enough to weigh you down; just enough to make a difference.

    You’ll be challenged by the best: Tony Dungy, Josh McDowell, Randy Alcorn, Carey Casey, Jim Daly, and more.

    No matter what your child’s age, make each day count with in-person loving, coaching, and modeling-starting with the next 21! Saber más
  9. The Uncommon Marriage Collection: Uncommon Marriage / The Uncommon Marriage Adventure
    This collection bundles two of New York Times bestselling author Tony and Lauren Dungy’s popular titles into one e-book for a great value!

    Uncommon Marriage

    What does it take to build a marriage that will last? Tony and Lauren Dungy have together known the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They fell in love, built a family, and made sports history when Tony became the first African American head coach to win the Super Bowl. Yet they’ve also gone through difficult, relationship-testing setbacks, including job loss and devastating personal tragedy. In a culture where it seems harder and harder to make marriage last, what has kept the Dungys strong through it all? In Uncommon Marriage, Tony and Lauren share the secrets that hold them together, revealing what they’ve learned so far about being a good husband or wife; getting through times of loss, grief, or change; staying connected despite busy schedules; supporting each other’s dreams and goals; and helping each other grow spiritually. They offer encouragement and practical advice to equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership-in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon.

    The Uncommon Marriage Adventure
    Marriage is an adventure unlike any other. At times, you and your spouse may feel so close, connected, and in love that you’re ready to take on the world together. But other times things grow distant, and you wonder where all the joy and excitement has gone. What is the secret to a happy, healthy, God-honoring marriage-one that will last through anything that comes your way?

    Join Tony and Lauren Dungy in The Uncommon Marriage Adventure, a series of daily reflections for couples. With transparency, wisdom, and humor, the Dungys share what they’ve learned over 30 years of marriage about faith, teamwork, conflict, communication, and more. Through each day’s reading, you and your spouse will go deeper in loving, understanding, and learning to serve each other. Dare to embark on your own marriage adventure-and discover how to make your relationship truly uncommon. Saber más
  10. A Different Kind of Hero
    Scripture is saturated with stories of people who didn’t quite fit the mold of the world around them: outside-the-box heroes.
    It’s obvious that when God wanted to write His story, He used people who were just a little different. Continuing the conversation started with Sally and Nathan Clarkson in Different, Sally and her son Joel now journey through the Bible as they bring a fresh perspective on twelve of these Scriptures-showing that God can use anyone for the glory of His Kingdom. Every person is a piece that can fit into the puzzle of God’s beautiful design, regardless of his or her background, personality, or situation in life.

    Discover how you, too, can fit into this story-the story that began with people like David, Ruth, Joseph, and Elijah and continues on in your life as you walk with God. Let these different types of heroes show you the way to the abundant joy of God’s unbounded Kingdom. Saber más

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