Treasures From the Fire

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Treasures From the Fire
SKU: 9781621367796
Editorial: Creation House



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

Why do Christians suffer extreme persecution without faltering in their faith? How do they endure the physical and emotional duress, emerging so often to serve Jesus with greater vitality and joy?
Treasures From the Fire introduces us to twenty-five such saints who tell us, in their own words, why they willingly suffered the Communist prisons of Romania rather than renounce Christ and how they endured their Soviet-era imprisonments.
From the New Testament letters the apostle Paul wrote as a prisoner of Rome to the letters Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote while he waited to be hung by the Nazis, Christian history is decorated with gold unearthed by those who remained faithful in the fire.
Treasures From the Fire follows that vein. As you read how principles of spiritual triumph were forged in these believers during their seasons of hardship and torture, your faith in God to provide courage, endurance, and joy during crises will be strengthened. You too will emerge changed, having a better understanding of how to handle hard times.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781621367796
Páginas 192
Autores Desloge, William
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2015-01-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House


Why do Christians suffer extreme persecution without faltering in their faith? How do they endure the physical and emotional duress, emerging so often to serve Jesus with greater vitality and joy?
Treasures From the Fire introduces us to twenty-five such saints who tell us, in their own words, why they willingly suffered the Communist prisons of Romania rather than renounce Christ and how they endured their Soviet-era imprisonments.
From the New Testament letters the apostle Paul wrote as a prisoner of Rome to the letters Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote while he waited to be hung by the Nazis, Christian history is decorated with gold unearthed by those who remained faithful in the fire.
Treasures From the Fire follows that vein. As you read how principles of spiritual triumph were forged in these believers during their seasons of hardship and torture, your faith in God to provide courage, endurance, and joy during crises will be strengthened. You too will emerge changed, having a better understanding of how to handle hard times.

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