Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits

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Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits
SKU: 9781629995304



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

From the author that brought you From a Mess to a Miracle; Clean House, Strong House; Give It Back; Prayers That Bring Change; and Selah

Defeat the Unknown Enemy in Your Home

WHETHER YOU’VE INHERITED THEM, welcomed them, befriended them, or paid homage to them, demonic spirits can become so familiar that you don’t notice they’re there. They operate under cover in our everyday lives, giving the enemy access points into our homes.

The truth is, familiar spirits might be the source of the problems you’ve been facing. Many of the reasons people go through battles in their lives are connected to the dark side. You may never experience any dramatic manifestations of the enemy’s influence, but subtle activity can be just as damaging. These familiar spirits could eventually deter you from becoming all that God wants you to be.

Enough is enough. When it comes to the enemy, it’s time to stop hiding him out and start taking him out. Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits shines light on the evil influences that sneak in through a back door. Discover how the enemy has taken up residence in your home and caused hindrances and havoc in your life. Come against any mind-binding or mind-blinding spirits that try to control your thinking, and defeat them through the power of God.

Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781629995304
Páginas 224
Autores Daniels, Kimberly
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2018-06-05
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House


From the author that brought you From a Mess to a Miracle; Clean House, Strong House; Give It Back; Prayers That Bring Change; and Selah

Defeat the Unknown Enemy in Your Home

WHETHER YOU’VE INHERITED THEM, welcomed them, befriended them, or paid homage to them, demonic spirits can become so familiar that you don’t notice they’re there. They operate under cover in our everyday lives, giving the enemy access points into our homes.

The truth is, familiar spirits might be the source of the problems you’ve been facing. Many of the reasons people go through battles in their lives are connected to the dark side. You may never experience any dramatic manifestations of the enemy’s influence, but subtle activity can be just as damaging. These familiar spirits could eventually deter you from becoming all that God wants you to be.

Enough is enough. When it comes to the enemy, it’s time to stop hiding him out and start taking him out. Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits shines light on the evil influences that sneak in through a back door. Discover how the enemy has taken up residence in your home and caused hindrances and havoc in your life. Come against any mind-binding or mind-blinding spirits that try to control your thinking, and defeat them through the power of God.


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