A Storm, A Message, A Bottle

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A Storm, A Message, A Bottle
SKU: 9781629984018
Editorial: Creation House



Availability: En existencia

* Campos requeridos

Our country is no longer in need of a GREAT AWAKENING!

America is in desperate need of a RESURRECTION!
In far too many American churches, the Great Commission has been reduced to a moderate suggestion. The emphasis is on little more than getting people ready to die, rather than equipping them to truly live.
But God intends for us to see His kingdom come in all its fullness—not only in our homes and churches, but in our local communities, and in our nation at large.
That can only happen when Christians rediscover a fundamental truth: that there is no grace without law. Only when we understand God's loving restrictions can we fully experience His freedom.
All forms of government—from the family to the federal level—need to be viewed through the lens of God's natural law.
Cutting through the foggy thinking about law and liberty, Cary Gordon carefully examines what the Bible really means by grace. He explains how a proper understanding of the ways in which the old and new covenants intertwine fueled the explosive growth of the early church.
Rediscovering that foundation can bring about a similar impact in today's world.
Información adicional.

Información adicional

SKU 9781629984018
Páginas 384
Autores Gordon, Cary
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2015-03-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House


Our country is no longer in need of a GREAT AWAKENING!

America is in desperate need of a RESURRECTION!
In far too many American churches, the Great Commission has been reduced to a moderate suggestion. The emphasis is on little more than getting people ready to die, rather than equipping them to truly live.
But God intends for us to see His kingdom come in all its fullness—not only in our homes and churches, but in our local communities, and in our nation at large.
That can only happen when Christians rediscover a fundamental truth: that there is no grace without law. Only when we understand God's loving restrictions can we fully experience His freedom.
All forms of government—from the family to the federal level—need to be viewed through the lens of God's natural law.
Cutting through the foggy thinking about law and liberty, Cary Gordon carefully examines what the Bible really means by grace. He explains how a proper understanding of the ways in which the old and new covenants intertwine fueled the explosive growth of the early church.
Rediscovering that foundation can bring about a similar impact in today's world.

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